Fred Aprim was born in the city of Kirkuk (the ancient Assyrian
city of Arrapha), northern Iraq (Assyria). He is a graduate of
Mosul University with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Fred's
family, like many Assyrian families, experienced its own share
of oppression and persecution. While in Iraq, both his father
and teenage brother were imprisoned unfairly and tortured. In
2003, he published a booklet titled "Indigenous People in
Distress." In December 2004, he published his second book
"Assyrians: The Continuous Saga". His third book on the Assyrian genocide and the Assyrian national question "Assyrians:
From Bedr Khan to Saddam Hussein" (First Edition) was published
in July 2006, the second edition in January 2007, followed by
the second edition third printing in March, 2016. The fourth and newest book, "The Betrayal of the Powerless"
was published in February 2021.